Record usage recorded on Fiordland trails
The Fiordland Trails Trust is thrilled to see usage of the Lake2Lake and Upukerora Loop trails increasing, with record numbers recorded over 2024. Trail usage
The Fiordland Trails Trust is thrilled to see usage of the Lake2Lake and Upukerora Loop trails increasing, with record numbers recorded over 2024. Trail usage
(November 2024) The Fiordland Trails Trust has launched a quacker of a fundraiser and is looking forward to it making a real splash on February
(July 2024) The Fiordland Trails Trust is both relieved and excited that an additional 13km of multiuse trail has finally been given the go ahead,
GWD Motor Group and the Fiordland Trails Trust are encouraging youngsters to get into top gear and speed into a brand new 2km fun run
Clare Ngakai is the Fiordland Trails Trust’s Administrator. Find out more about her here! Tell us a bit about yourself – where are you from,
The Fiordland Trails Trust’s plans to complete the Lake2Lake Trail have been given a boost, thanks to the Les Hutchins Conservation Foundation. The Lake2Lake Trail